Don't Get Caught On the Wrong Side of the Law in Your Electric Golf Cart!

Teen joyride ends in $100,000 worth of damage at Marine Park Golf Course | News Break

Improper use of a golf cart

As golf carts become more and more popular, they will undoubtedly garner the attention of law enforcement. Put simply, people aren't just using golf carts for golfing anymore. As more people use an electric golf cart as an alternative mode of transportation, there will also be a correlating increase in the misuse of them. Some times this is due to blatant disregard for safety and law, or just stupidity. More often than not it is an innocent and accidental issue.

Sacramento's Electric Golf Car Company can't help you with poor life choices, but we can help make sure you understand the laws around owning and driving a golf cart.


First off, let's make sure we are all on the same page. We addressed the golf CAR vs golf CART debate HERE. We understand that most people are used to calling them “carts” even though we classify them as “cars”, so we use the words interchangeably. We also discussed the differences between an electric golf cart and “low speed vehicle” HERE. Unlike golf “car” vs golf “cart”, the difference in a low speed vehicle is very important to understand.

Finally, there is another acronym: NEV. This stands for “neighborhood electric vehicle” and is essentially the designation for an electric golf car that is not being used specifically for golfing. Additionally, an NEV is more like a LSV in terms of definition. The DMV treats NEV's and LSV's as very specific types of motor vehicles, so make sure to understand the laws around them.


If you are in the market for an alternative motor vehicle of some sort, you should probably know what you are looking for. If you are truly looking for something to use exclusively on the golf course, then an electric golf car would be appropriate. However, if you intend to use it elsewhere, then you are now in the market for a NEV or LSV.

Some major differences between a “golf cart” and a NEV/LSV according to California DMV include:

  • A golf cart can carry no more than two people
  • A golf cart can have a maximum speed of 15 MPH
  • A NEV/LSV can have a maximum speed of 25 MPH
  • A golf cart driven on private property does not require a license or registration
  • A NEV/LSV can drive on a road with a posted speed limit of BELOW 35 MPH only
  • A NEV/LSV requires a California driver's license to operate, registration with the DMV, and a VIN number
  • A NEV/LSV requires certain safety modifications to comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS)
  • A NEV/LSV requires insurance

Be sure to visit the California DMV website for all the details when it comes to your golf car, Neighborhood Electric Vehicle, or Low Speed Vehicle. Additionally, make sure that you buy from a reputable dealer. They should be able to clearly answer any questions you have about the classification and laws around it. There is nothing worse than thinking you are buying a LSV, but really end up with a golf cart. Ultimately, this can land you a large fine and ticket!


Did you know that the cities of Lincoln and Rocklin in Placer County are super NEV/LSV friendly? These make an excellent alternative to driving your car, particularly when you just need to make a quick stop to the market. Come down to Electric Golf Car Company TODAY to tour our selection of new and used electric golf cars, NEV's, and LSV's!

Electric Golf Car Company is Northern California's premier custom golf car service center! NOW is a great time to invest in your own custom golf car, so be sure to check out our gallery or come by our show room.

To learn more keep checking back with Electric Golf Car Company's Golf Car Guru! And follow us on social media for all the latest news, articles, and available golf cars!

California Golf Cart Laws | Best Used Golf Carts Sacramento